Return-to-Play Program

Get back to playing again

You’ve been working hard at your rehabilitation. But you may need more time than your medical coverage provides to work on the weaknesses that have resulted from that injury before you can compete again. This is exactly why we created Casa Colina’s Return-to-Play Program. It’s a program that allows you to continue with the remarkable strides you’ve made in therapy once your medical benefits have reached their limit.

With this program, you’ll work with the same:

  • Physical therapists
  • Exercise physiologists
  • Athletic trainers

The professionals who have guided your rehabilitation treatments will push you to improve even more. They will:

  • Use a video system to accurately assess your progress
  • Spot any weaknesses or changes in form that could result in re-injury
  • Demonstrate rehabilitation exercises
  • Take pictures during sessions to remind you how to do recommended exercises correctly at home

And when you’re ready to return to play and competition, a performance video will be sent to your team’s medical director or coach.

How does Return-to-Play work?

  • Athletes of all ages and levels are welcome.
  • Physician’s approval to participate in the program is recommended.
  • For continuing Casa Colina patients, the cost is $60 per session after your medical coverage for rehabilitation has reached its limits.
  • For new athletes, cost is $150 for initial assessment fee and $60 per session thereafter.
  • Program offers customized training, performance improvement, and access to individual physical therapy treatments.

The Return-to-Play Program will not only help you get back to playing the sports you love again, it will help you return as a stronger athlete.

For more information, please call 909/596-7733, ext. 3500 (Pomona) or 626/334-8735 (Azusa) or contact us now.

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