Exoskeleton Technology

Increase mobility and independence with wearable robotics

Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare is home to state-of-the-art exoskeleton technology for patients recovering from spinal cord injury, stroke, and other neurological conditions, such as traumatic brain injury. Exoskeletons offer patients the opportunity to improve mobility and enhance participation in activities of daily living.

They are just one of many specialized robotic-assistive devices Casa Colina uses to maximize the recovery of individuals undergoing neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation.

What are Exoskeleton Devices?

Exoskeletons are wearable robotic devices used by individuals with lower-extremity impairments in order to stand and/or walk after a neurological event. These mobility-assistive devices allow gait-impaired patients to stand, walk, turn, climb, and eventually even ascend and descend stairs independently, all with the help of robotically operated joint supports, sensors, and movement controls.

Casa Colina patients can currently try one of three popular exoskeleton devices on the market: EksoGT™, ReWalk™, and Indego®. Contact one of our assistive technology professionals to learn more about which device might be right for you.

Why Should I Try One?

There are many benefits of gait training with exoskeleton technology at Casa Colina:

  • Increased mobility
  • Decreased spasticity and physical pain
  • Improved posture and balance
  • Increased bone density
  • Heightened respiration and circulation
  • Improved bowel and bladder function
  • Better psychological health

How Do I Schedule an Appointment?

Exoskeleton mobility-assistive therapy is available for patients in Casa Colina’s Acute Rehabilitation Wing, residents of our Transitional Living Center, and those receiving outpatient services. Contact your Casa Colina therapist for our current clinic schedule. Physician clearance is required.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call Outpatient Services at 909/596-7733, ext. 3500 or toll-free 866/724-4127, ext. 3500 or contact us now.

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