Physical Rehabilitation FAQs

What is physical rehabilitation?

For most people, most of the time, recovery from all the minor accidents and sicknesses of everyday life is something we can manage on our own with perhaps only one trip to the doctor, an aspirin or just a good night's rest.

But there are accidents and diseases that we don't just spring back from. They range from the tennis elbow that just doesn't get better, to the pain in the back that's so bad you stay home from work for weeks on end, all the way through the scale of injuries to a stroke that leaves you without the ability to swallow or a spinal cord injury that leaves you without the ability to walk.

This whole range describes the area where Physical Rehabilitation can be of service.

For some, physical rehabilitation is a visit to a physical therapist to help you bend that tennis elbow. For others, physical rehabilitation is a program of several weeks with a therapy team to build strength back into your body and to learn how to manage your back pain while going back to work and taking care of family responsibilities. And for others, physical rehabilitation may be the gradual process of relearning how to swallow or learning new skills for getting around -- such as using a wheelchair -- to substitute for skills that are no longer possible.

Physical Rehabilitation is a process that provides medical care and teaches people how to make the most of life -- physically, mentally and socially.

It enhances a person's ability to function on their own. It helps people find new ways to accomplish the basic activities of daily living such as getting around, dressing, communicating with others, driving a car and preparing a meal. It can help prepare you for moving on in life after an injury or disease, to go back to a job or school or simply taking care of everyday needs. Mastery of these types of skills allows individuals to move back into the normal stream of life with their families and at the workplace, and in the society as a whole. In short, effective physical rehabilitation can and should enhance the quality of life of those who choose to use the many services available.

At Casa Colina, the goals of physical rehabilitation are the core of our mission -- to provide opportunities for individuals to reach their rehabilitation potential efficiently and effectively in an environment that recognizes each person's uniqueness, dignity and self-esteem.

How does physical rehabilitation help people?

Through physical rehabilitation, persons who become disabled as a result of trauma or disease can be helped to return to the most productive and independent life style possible. - In addition to helping people minimize their disability and improve function, physical rehabilitation can reduce future costly medical complications and the need for rehospitalization.

Don't people with disabilities just go on to a nursing home, anyway, after they're finished with physical rehabilitation?

As a result of physical rehabilitation, at least 50,000 to 100,000 people return to their homes each year. These individuals would otherwise require additional care on a long-term basis at considerable expense to government programs, as well as to their families. - This results in a net savings to individuals, insurance companies and government programs of approximately $500 million to $1 billion annually.

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Isn't it true that most people never return to work after a significant accident or disease?

As a result of physical rehabilitation, an estimated 350,000 Americans return to work each year. - Individuals who return to work each year as a result of physical rehabilitation produce about $700 million in additional state and federal revenue through income tax payments.

Physical rehabilitation is expensive. Is it really cost effective?

By reducing acute care hospital days (length of stay) and rehospitalizations, physical rehabilitation saves hundreds of millions of dollars per year in medical costs that would otherwise be paid by insurers, Medicare or Medicaid (Medi-Cal in California), as well as by individuals. - Physical rehabilitation results in an estimated annual savings of $1 to $2 billion for public programs such as Workers' Compensation, disability insurance and Medicaid. - A study by an insurance company has shown that, with severe brain injury, for every $1 spent on rehabilitation, $23 is saved over the lifetime of the person with the brain injury.

Who benefits from physical rehabilitation?

People with a twist, sprain or strain of a muscle or joint which does not resolve in a reasonable time. - People with a condition that can be helped by better muscle control, such as some types of incontinence in women and chronic pain. - People with an injury or medical condition such as: head injury, aneurysm, spinal cord injury, stroke (CVA), burns, multiple trauma, repetitive motion injury (carpal tunnel syndrome), anoxia (lack of oxygen for some period of time), amputation, broken hip or multiple bone fractures, and hip or knee replacement. - People with a disease or chronic condition such as: arthritis, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Guillain-Barre syndrome, heart disease, lung disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig's disease), problems related to AIDS or infection with HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). - People with a birth defect or inherited disorder, such as: cerebral palsy, spina bifida, muscular dystrophy, hearing problems, speech problems, disorders that effect vision, balance, thinking, etc., and children with developmental delays.

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Who pays for physical rehabilitation?

Private and group health insurance usually offers coverage of inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation services. - Health maintenance organizations (HMOs) and preferred provider organizations (PPOs) may cover inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation on a limited basis. - Medicaid (Medi-Cal) covers rehabilitation services in some cases. Contact your state Medicaid (Medi-Cal) office for details. - Medicare covers some inpatient and outpatient services. - Workers' compensation covers rehabilitation services related to work injuries (in most states). - No-fault auto insurance pays for physical rehabilitation following accidents (in some states).

How do I get physical rehabilitation?

As with any medical or treatment program, the first advice is to check with your doctor. If you think physical rehabilitation can help you or a family member, your doctor will help evaluate your (or your family member's) condition and assess whether physical rehabilitation is needed.

Where can I go for more information?

Call Patient Services at 909/596-7733, ext. 3500 or 866/724-4127, ext. 3500 or contact us now.

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