Casa Colina Receives Prestigious A- Rating from Standard & Poor’s

Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare has received an A- rating from Standard & Poor’s (S&P), the top credit rating agency reporting on debt carried by private and public companies. According to the agency’ website, S&P Global Ratings help investors, lenders, and other financial professionals understand the ability and willingness of debt issuers, such as corporations, to meet their long-term financial obligations on time and in full.

Casa Colina’s A- rating indicates “strong capacity” to meet its financial commitments, according to the S&P Global Ratings scale.

“Since we opened our doors in 1938, Casa Colina has been committed to smart financial decision-making that maximizes our fiduciary responsibility to ensure the longevity of this valued community organization,” says Felice Loverso, PhD, Casa Colina President and CEO. “This S&P rating is an independent validation that Casa Colina is managing this organization at the highest levels, and our community can be confident that we will be clinically and financially viable long into the future.”