Supporting Casa Colina

A tradition of goodwill

No matter how you decide to give, the Casa Colina Foundation will make it count. Your contributions will help patients of all ages who are coping with disabling injuries and illnesses.

There are many different giving opportunities to make it easier for you to support the work and growth of Casa Colina, including the following options:

  • Naming Opportunities enable you to honor or memorialize a loved one by establishing a philanthropic fund or by dedicating a room, facility, outdoor courtyard, medical equipment or outdoor sitting bench in his or her name.
  • Memorials and Honorariums give you the chance to remember or celebrate a loved one, friend, physician, nurse, or therapist by making a special gift in his or her name.
  • Commemorative Brick Program supports Casa Colina’s Capital Campaign Fund by offering personalized, engraved bricks for you, or your loved ones, that will be placed on campus in our park walkway.

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  • Annual Giving can be set up through an outright gift using cash, check or credit card, or you may make a pledge for a specific period of time. You may also donate marketable securities directly to the Casa Colina Foundation.
  • Support the Casa Colina Foundation’s Special Events through sponsorship and ticket purchase.
  • Arrange for Planned Giving. Future gifts may be made by bequests, life-income gifts like trust or annuities, gifts of life insurance, and real estate.
  • The Mother Smith Circle of Giving was developed to help supporters carry on the generous spirit of Casa Colina’s remarkable founder on an ongoing basis. Regularly scheduled tax-deductible contributions provide a way for ongoing participation in the mission of quality rehabilitative care for people in need.

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  • Easy, online contributions of any amount can be made at your convenience to show your support.

    Make a Gift Now

Your generous philanthropic support will help fulfill Casa Colina’s mission. We are grateful to every donor who makes a gift, no matter how small or large. To view a list of our recent donors, please click here.

If you would like to make a gift to Casa Colina Foundation, please call 909/596-7733, ext. 2260 or or toll-free 866/724-4127, ext. 2260 or email

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