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Outdoor Adventures and Wheelchair Sports Program: Pickleball

  • Event Type:Adaptive Recreation

Cost $25

Come experience this exciting paddle sport that combines tennis, badminton, and ping-pong. Session will include a warm-up, instruction/demonstration, doubles competition, and a cool-down/stretch period. Participants should wear comfortable clothing and bring a hat, sunscreen, and water. Cost includes paddles, balls, and group instruction.

To sign up for participation, please visit our Participant Forms page and follow the instructions to submit your application materials. Outdoor Adventures staff will then contact you with instructions on how to pay any applicable trip fees.

Transportation to all activities and events is limited and must be reserved in advance. All paperwork and registration must be completed at least 5 working days prior to your event.

For more info, please contact the Outdoor Adventures office at 909/596-7733, ext. 4165 or Please note that all trips are subject to change.